Program Evaluation
Program evaluation helps organizations answer important questions about your programs and their effect. Used before, during, or after a program, a well-designed and executed evaluation can help you:
Demonstrate the need for your program
Document your program’s development and activities so it can be successfully replicated
Document your program's accomplishments
Demonstrate your program’s effectiveness
Justify current funding or support the need for increased funding for your program
How We Help
We work with you and your program’s stakeholders to design and implement a cost-effective, culturally-relevant evaluation suited to your goals and local context, or to help you carry out an existing evaluation strategy. Our program evaluation services include:
Formative and summative evaluation design and implementation (needs assessments, process evaluations, outcome evaluations)
Data collection and instrument design (surveys, interviews, focus groups, alternative or creative methods)
Qualitative and quantitative data analysis
Evaluation results communication, in formats appropriate for your staff, board, funders, program participants, or other stakeholders
Facilitation or design of group processes to reflect on and use evaluation findings
Sample Deliverables
Needs Assessment Design | Program Evaluation Design | Program Logic Model | Survey Instrument | Focus Group | Evaluation Report
CONTACT US for more information about our Program Evaluation services and rates.